On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 10:54:47PM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:


> Sure, but it still doesn't make any sense that all other Debian lists
> that I'm on have nice clear instructions at the bottom of every message
> describing how to get off the list, while the user list, arguably the
> list with the largest newbie population, has a command that needs to be
> run from a Unix system with a *working mail server*!  Not only that, but
> the command is split across 2 lines, making it even harder for newbies
> to use effectively.  Newbies are
>       1) less likely to be logged in to a Unix system with a working 
>               mail command
>       and
>       2) less likely to grok the command in the first place.
> So why is it that the laptop list, the IPv6 list, the devel list, the
> security list, the security-announce list, and probably many others have
> nice, clean instructions on unsubscribing *including* an address to
> contact if you have troubles.  Here's what the other lists have:
> begin quote:
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> end quote.
> I've Cc'd listmaster with this message in the hope that a change will be
> made.

I've been on and off this list for a couple years.  I just started using
Debian again after about a 6 month layoff.  I'm glad to see this string is
still going:)  Maybe it is perverse of me but I would hate to see the
instructions change.  It is a tradition:)  On the other hand I can remember
not knowing what the instructions meant when I first started but I did
something crazy when I wanted to unsubscribe - I went to the Debian web site
and I followed links on that page that took me to the information that I
needed to unsubscribe.  It was a long and grueling process;)  If someone
does get "trapped" in this list and can't figure out how to "get out" someone
tells them how.  

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