* Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [171100 17:16]: > > > > I installed PostgreSQL to work with, and I noticed that it > > said that it was version 6.5 or so, and to just grab the > > newer package from the unstable tree. So my question is, > > how do I go about grabbing just _one_ package, and of > > course, any dependencies (as few as possible, I hope. I > > have a very slow dial-up connection) from the unstable > > branch when my /etc/apt.sources.list is set up for the > > stable tree? > > > > you don't. If you want an unstable package you either: > > a) upgrade to unstable > > b) grab the source from unstable and compile it yourself. This is fairly > painless these days. grab the orig.tar.gz, the dsc and the diff.gz file. do > dpkg-source -x foo.dsc. cd foo-ver. Look in debian/control. If there is a > Build-Depends line, install any packages listed there. Make sure you have > fakeroot installed. Then do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc -tc.
I'm fairly new to Debian as well...but I run a few packages from unstable and I did not "upgrade to unstable". All I did was add the following line to my sources.list: deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free I only use this line when I want to get one or two packages. Most of the time I keep it commented out so Apt ignores it. Do: apt-get update apt-get -s install <the package you want> -s "simulates" an install so you can see what apt is gonna do. If you are okay with its actions, re-run the command without the -s apt-get install <the package you want> rob jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ~no witty sig required~