Hi debians!

This mail is crossposted to debian-user, debian-user-swedish, debian-devel and 

I've done this because I don't really know where to post it since I call for 
two types of reactions. One is, _yes I want this to happen and I can help, the 
other being _yes it can be done and this might some way to do it.

My idea is to write a new sort of documentation. (I did read something about 
something like this some year(s) ago, but I can't find it in the archives, and 
I think that the developer "just" wanted to learn xml and later dismissed the 
whole idea.

And now to my point...

The idea is to write task-oriented documentation, yes it's like the HOWTO's, 
butit shall be oriented towards debian and (this is the most important) be 
written simultanious in three levels. Theese being:

- Just do it! (what I would like to call the "blackbox")
- How do _you do it? (the "showcase")
- How do _I do it? (the "wuru", like in "_w_anna be _guru_")

The information should be both accesible thru a textfile, so that it's allways 
there even if you mess up your setup (and if you do, you can't use the 
"blackbox" level, since you'll have to edit the required files your self) But 
if the system is somewhat functioning the "blackbox" level could be something 
like pppconfig, the "showcase" could be like pppconfig except that it reports 
what it does and why, the "wuru" level could be like the HOWTO's but directed 
to debian.

Now you might wonder, why I don't just implement such a system. And the answer 
is this. First, I don't know how to do this. Second, I don't know if it can be 
done. Third, it might require some standardisation, at least for the "blackbox" 
level. And this might be a question of strong opinions, which I would like to 
hear. Fourth, I'm not a maintainer, and maybe that doesn't matter, I don't now.

OK, I think I rememberd to mention everything I wanted to, but if I forgot I'm 
sure you will remind me...

regards, anarchy&love

ps. I'm setting the reply-to to [EMAIL PROTECTED] since that is one of the 
lists I'm in.

ps2. This is the second e-mail that I crosspost, and frankly I don't know if 
this is the correct behaviour so please no flames, just a nice note will stop 
me from doing this again.

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