In a galaxy not too far away, Debian Ghost spoke on Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 
11:34:40AM -0500:
> Recently I started getting a message when I do a ps -ef | grep *something.
> The message reads about my system map not matching my kernel. I recently
> recompiled a kernel to include msdos support, but that is all I've done.

How did you install your new kernel - maybe you didn't install the new 
if you didn't do it that way: you should really use make-kpkg to make a debian
package of your new kernel and then install it with dpkg. just search this
mailing lists' archive, how this is done has been explained numerous times in 

> Anyone help with this?
> <meanwhile as Debian Ghost does a shift insert and locks netscape up...>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ps -ef | grep netscape
> {no_halt} {init_task_union}
> Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
> {no_halt} {init_task_union}
> Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
> Thanks so much,
> D. Ghost
> -- 
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