On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 09:44:39PM -0500, Scott Nanni wrote:
> First for those of you who originally replied to my first message
> thanks for the help.
> I am now running a custom 2.4.20 kernel from kernel.org source
> with the latest ACPI patch from sourceforge, and the presario sound
> patch for the trident driver.. my ACPI, USB, Sound, Ext3 support
> and everything I was working on is now working! 
> However I now things that had been working in 2.2.20 are broken!
> My touchpad no longer works, and I get messages that /dev/psaux
> doesnt exist

Did you include PS/2 mouse support?

> , and I cant mount cds says something about hdc: Driver
> not installed.. or something to that effect.  

Did you include both iso9660 FS support and ide-cdrom or sr_mod?
Include them as modules.

> I went back in and added bus mouse support and everything else I could
> think of, that didnt work, and thats about when I discovered the hdc issue
> so I went back in again, and changed the PS2 Auxiliary and ISO9660 
> support over to <M> rather than  <*> and recompiled, and the touchpad
> still ceases to function. 

I'm really sure there's a particular option for PS/s, and it's not 'PS2
Auxiliary' nor 'bus mouse'...I don't have a uncompressed kernel tree atm
tho, so I can't check for you.

> Its great to have ACPI working now and being able to load USB/Sound with
> no problems of the IDE controller going offline but having a broke cdrw and
> touchpad kinda bites..  :-/

Um, if you don't really know which settings you need, why not get the
.config from Debian's 2.4.20-k7 package, drop it in your kernel source
and run 'make oldconfig' to fix up the new options that your patches
introduce?  This'll give you a kernel that has everything standard
Debian kernels have, plus support for your sound card, et al.


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