Hello Moses, >From the desk of Moses Wildermuth. Money Talks Enterprises, http://moneytalks.giftworldnet.com/ On 15-Nov-00, Moses wrote the following in an email regarding test3---
> That did work, so this is final test. Sorry for the hassle, but you should > see it from this end! What a pain in the butt, but it finally works. Goodnight. Regards -- MosesPro Money Talks Enterprises http://www.angelfire.com/ia/mosespro, ICQ-13469530, AIM-Wolfy2264 A3000D, Warp040/40, Spectrum, ASDG Xserial, Nexus,2meg Chip, 64meg Fast, 8megs DMA(RAD:), 9+1.2gig SCSI2, Zip100 and Pinnacle 2X CDR/W;Running Hot with Kick3.1, OS3.5 and Scalos1.2! Emulating MacOS7.61 and Win3.11 for WorkGroup,Struggling with Linux m68k.