Thanks to you.
It may be (certainly) the answer I searched for.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Allan F. Caetano [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: lundi 13 novembre 2000 18:41
> Objet: small question
> >>>>> "Gilles" == Gilles Maliar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Gilles> I'm new user of Debian and I don't know how to configure the
> Gilles> hadrware for the network.
> Gilles> I know "ifconfig", but it is for soft configuration, and any
> time I want to
> Gilles> use it, it tells me "unknown device" about eth0.
> Gilles> Well, my hardware is correct : Corel Linux 2nd ed. configures
> without any
> Gilles> problem.
> Gilles> What is the name of the tool I have to use ? or the package I
> miss ?
> Hi Gilles,
> modconf is your friend.
> cheers,
> --
> Allan F. Caetano
> Universo On Line - EngProd - F: (11) 224 4418
> ComVc: 479966 ICQ: 68214944
> "Who is this peer that keeps resetting my connection?
> I have a broken pipe I wanna hit him with!"