A solution, perhaps:

>>>>> "BB" == Bob Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    BB> Here are woody packages on board:

    BB> ii unifont 20000122-1 X11 dual-width GNU unicode font 

In my fumbling around I had installed unifont. But then I installed
yudit and learned that it could not find any unicode fonts. A peek at
the unifont.postinst script indicated that mkfontdir should have been
run, with some echoed output. I didn't see any echoed message when I
installed unifont so, 'which mkfontdir' and 'locate mkfontdir' treated
me to the charming insight that I had no mkfontdir installed. A quick
trip to Woody's Contents file brought me to install - apparently for
the first time - xutils. Then a simple


spit out the desired echoed output ("Adjusting font index in misc"),
and emacs in X loaded, finally, without complaining.

Shouldn't unifont depend on xutils? 

Or, at the very least, shouldn't unifont.postinst echo something if
mkfontdir isn't found?

Or is there an overriding question as to why I was without xutils?

Bob Bernstein            |  Status seeking via MUA:  |
at                       | Gnus/Emacs in the console |
Esmond, Rhode Island

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