On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 08:10:59PM +0000, Andr? Esteves wrote:
> Hi there!
> I've had problems with ne and ne2k-pci modules.
> kernel 2.2.17 - debian potato, with two ne2000 ethernet boards (one ISA,
> the other PCI)
> Although ne recognizes both boards it recommends the use os ne2k-pci for
> the pci board. but when insmod ne2k-pci it will not recognize that
> board.
> It seems that i need to make ne to only  install the isa board.
> Can i have both ne and ne2k-pci working? How do i configure this mess...

I have these 2 cards in my box, I compiled the ne2k-pci into the kernel:

and the ne, I compiled as a module:

Both then are recognized upon bootup.
> bye,
> Andy
> -- 
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