Michael Abraham Shulman wrote:
> Every so often when logged into the console, I get a message looking
> like this:
> PAM_unix[28529]: (cron) session opened for user mail by (uid=0)
> Can anyone tell me what this means?  Is it a problem, and if so, what
> can I do about it?

This particular message is probably not a problem AFAICT. Is
this a recent event on a machine that hasn't been rebooted lately?
Does the unique part of the log messages involve cron? My machines
began doing this after an update yesterday (or day before...can't
remember) and the messages were appearing in vi, etc. After I
restarted cron, all was well again. This may have been a feature
isolated to all 3 of my machines though. :) *shrug*


Mike Brownlow                            http://wsmake.org/~mike/
1024D/8AA6EAFD 3861 96B3 EEA2 285C BE23  F706 3E1E EBB2 8AA6 EAFD
"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." Pr10:12

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