On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 00:04, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 10:32:10PM -0600, Gary Turner wrote:
> > My dictionary (American Heritage College Dictionary) sz they're
> > synonyms.  Save your valuable exemption for a real error :)
> And American Heritage Dictionary also screws up the definition of
> "hacker," giving it the meaning of "cracker."  This should be a clue
> in this group.  Use dict instead, as you can (usually) get multiple
> sources for the definition (geosynchronous and geostationary being an
> exception, apparently).
> All geostationary orbits are also geosynchronous, but not all
> geosynchronous orbits are geostationary.
> baloo@ursine:~$ dict geosynchronous
> 1 definition found
> From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:
>   geosynchronous
>        adj : of or having an orbit with a fixed period of 24 hours
>              (although the position in the orbit may not be fixed
>              with respect to the earth)
> baloo@ursine:~$ dict geostationary
> 1 definition found
> From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:
>   geostationary
>        adj : of or having a geosynchronous orbit such that the
>        position
>              in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth; "a
>              geostationary satellite"

Ah ha!  The satellite can be in a polar orbit at 35,000 (38,000?) Km,
so would be geosynchronous but not geostationary.

Does American Heritage have a BTS?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.     Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |
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