On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 02:47:56PM -0600, DvB wrote:
> I got the impression that the level of training they received had a lot
> to do with it. They were polite, knew what they were doing and sort of
> had that "the customer's always right" attitude (or as much of it as a
> baggage ispector can have and still do the job).

I don't know the detail of the TSA's training, and I can't give detail
of mine, but I would say they're definately doing thier jobs at the
airports well.  I occasionally have to go run out to PDX to go pick up
friends, and they've always had a friendly but no-bullshit attitude
and definately looking up and around a bit more than the private ones
did.  I was certainly impressed with the coverage, and it was nice
actually seeing loading zones enforced for a change (I hadn't been to
PDX for a couple years until recently).

One negative, though: I miss having the traffic officers whistling
traffic to stop so people can actually use the crosswalks across NE
[Upper|Lower] Airport Way to [Parking|Taxis and transit] from
[Ticketing|baggage claim] without getting mowed down by other airport
patrons in thier cars.  I'm not sure what thier rationale was for
eliminating the people best positioned to spot suspicious vehicles...

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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