"Collin Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Debian upgraded X without my desire to do so but after a few struggles I have
> it all working.  Only problem so far is that it seems some fonts are
> corrupt/missing and I have no idea how to find out which ones.  This
> screenshot ( http://www3.telus.net/cadiolis/fonts_screenie.jpg ) shows the
> problem in gtop and dselect.  It only happens in dselect when running it from
> a terminal window in X, not running from a true prompt without X.  I think
> this may be the cause of X crashing on me in a few apps (staroffice and
> netscrape) with a signal 11.  The log file is not to helpful in these crashes
> so I wish to fix the font problem and see if that fixes the crashes.

Well, from the screenshot, it looks like you have many broken packages,
including task-x-window-system and task-x-window-system-core.

Do an "apt-get install task-x-window-system task-x-window-system-core", and see
if that makes any difference.

Just off-hand, it looks like you're missing some variation on the fixed font.

Also, I've had some problems with the font server.  You may want to try killing
it (do "/etc/init.d/xfs stop" -- it may be `xfs' if you have one of the
TrueType servers installed), and running X without it.

> While I'm writing this I may as well as about performance.  Quake 3 runs at
> about the same frames per second under X4 but seems to have a 'twitch' in it
> every few seconds.  Any thoughts on this?  I've read that X requires kernel
> 2.2.18 pre? or 2.4 to run DRI properly.  Is this true?

I've heard that too.  I'm pretty sure it's true.


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