Did you check your /dev's?
You will need /dev/dsp for being able to hear sound. Maybe the user you
are logged in as has no permission to access the sound devives. By default,
these devices are accessible by the group "audio" (you can check if this is
true with "ls -l /dev/ | grep audio"). If this is the case, add your username
to the group "audio" ([EMAIL PROTECTED] addgroup your_username audio)
Hope this helps  


> The last days I've read some messages that I should use the es1370 or
> es1371
> driver for that card. lsmod identified my card as es1371 so I've loaded
> this
> driver as module. But although my card seems to be found by the kernel,
> there is nothing in /dev/sndstat.
> Did i forget something to do?
> I also have no idea, which drivers are needed too, to get my soundcard
> working (sound, soundcore, soundlow, ...)
> part of dmesg:
> es1371: version v0.22 time 12:12:16 May 13 2000
> es1371: found chip, vendor id 0x1274 device id 0x1371 revision 0x08
> es1371: found es1371 rev 8 at io 0xe800 irq 5
> es1371: features: joystick 0x0
> es1371: codec vendor CRY (0x435259) revision 19 (0x13)
> es1371: codec features Headphone out 20bit DAC 18bit ADC
> es1371: stereo enhancement: Crystal Semiconductor 3D Stereo Enhancement
> cat /dev/sndstat:
> OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130
> Load type: Driver loaded as a module
> Kernel: Linux darkstar 2.2.15 #1 Sat May 13 10:22:03 EST 2000 i586
> Config options: 0
> Installed drivers:
> Card config:
> Audio devices:
> Synth devices:
> Midi devices:
> Timers:
> 0: System clock
> Mixers:
> lsmod:
> Module                  Size  Used by
> nls_cp437               3744   1  (autoclean)
> vfat                    9008   1  (autoclean)
> af_packet               6072   1  (autoclean)
> slip                    7388   2  (autoclean)
> slhc                    4436   1  (autoclean) [slip]
> parport_probe           3332   0  (autoclean)
> parport_pc              7172   1  (autoclean)
> lp                      5156   0  (autoclean)
> parport                 7288   1  (autoclean) [parport_probe parport_pc
> lp]
> nls_iso8859-1           2268   2  (autoclean)
> serial                 19724   0  (autoclean)
> sound                  57592   0  (unused)
> soundlow                 416   0  [sound]
> es1371                 25312   0
> soundcore               2628   7  [sound es1371]
> unix                   10148  19  (autoclean)
> It would be great if someone can help me.
> Marco
> -- 
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