I /*did/* reboot, and this thing did not happen the first few time. Any other ideas
joerg > You've compiled a new kernel but not rebooted to load it? > If so, then this is one of the few times in linux when a reboot is > required. > > At 09:09 AM 11/8/00 +0100, you wrote: > >Hello Everybody > > > >The following message appears each time I make "ps" or "ps -a": > > > >{floppy_open} {scsi_init_free} > >Warning: /boot/System.map-2.2.17 does not match kernel data. > > > >Then the running processes are listet just right. Any idea what > happened > >to my System.map? I compiled my own kernel (with buolt-in floppy and > >scsi-support). Things ran fine for some time, this message came up > >yesterday for the first time. I cannot remember having changed anything > >in my base-configuration > > -- > Criggie > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < > /dev/null > -- Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net