Joey Hess wrote in the Debian Weekly News for November 07th, 2000:

> XFree86 4.0.1 has [1]entered unstable.  [snip]
> The result is a surprisingly polished upgrade (by unstable's
> standards anyway -- [2] many problems are still being encountered).

In short, my  question is

Can I use the XFree86 4.0.1 debian package from Woody to upgrade X
on my (pure) Potato K6 system with an 8 MB SiS 6326 video card?  My
interest is support for accelleration. 

My system --

runs Potato (from a Dec 30 1999 snapshot CD). My hardware is a Tiger
System with an AMD K6-2 350MHz processor on a 100 MHz motherboard,
and 128 MB Ram. My video card is an SiS 6326. I am still using the
XFree86 3.3 server only works with the accelleration features of
this card turned off. 

XFree86 web site says that XFree86 4.0 with their sis driver
supports this card's accelleration features.

The question, again: 

Can I use the XFree86 4.0.1 debian package from Woody to upgrade X
on my Potato K6 system and get support for the accelleration
provided by the SiS 6326 card? Or am I asking for trouble by
installing a Woody package on an otherwise pure Potato system?

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