On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 03:30:21PM +0100, robert_wilhelm_land wrote:
> What is the soundlow & the soundcore used for?
> I'm just trying to get my Sonic Impact to work (which should be a OSS
> card) 

>From /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/Introduction :

To support all the various sound modules, there are three general 
support modules that must be loaded first:
    soundcore.o:   Top level handler for the sound system, provides
                   a set of functions for registration of devices
                   by type.

    soundlow.o:    Low-level sound drivers which are not part of 
                   OSS/Lite (Open Sound System), including SB32/AWE
                   synthesizer, etc.

    sound.o:       Common  sound functions required by all modules

> and cannot find any of the below modules in 'make xconfig'.

The sound modules are not part of the kernel configuration options, they are 
if you select support for sound cards. If you compiled the kernel with 
the sound support for your sound card you have to run

make modules
make modules_install 

and the compiled modules will appear in /lib/modules/x.x.x/ where x.x.x is the
kernel version that you compiled. In particular the sound modules will appear in

                                 ______  _____________
 Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
 Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux 2.2.17    |              |_/    /
 Linux registered user #118109  |                    \
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