On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Bob Edwards wrote:

->Can anyone tell me how to install Star Office 5.2 ?
->I have downloaded the file which is a .bin file, and
->put it in a seperate directory. what is next ? I know
->how to install .tar files and .gz files, but not
->.bin files.
->I downloaded the file directly from Sun's site, and
->thhere were no installation instructions.
->Thanks very much in advance for your help.

Make sure the file has "x" permissions, then as root,
issue a "./so........... /net" (just exec the .bin file
with the /net option).  When asked, I would save in 
"/usr/local/office52" but the choice is up to you.  

Once installed, login as user and go to "/usr/local/office/programs"
and run (./soffice) the soffice program.  This will install about
1.8MB of "personal" files in your home directory.  Each user on
your system should do this to get his/her "personal" files.

To finally run the program just exec /home/<user>/office52/soffice"

Christopher W. Aiken, Scenery Hill, Pa, USA
chris at cwaiken dot com,   www.cwaiken.com
Current O/S: Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux

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