Hello debian ppl! 

I am a lab admin.  I need to give access to the floppy (/dev/fd0), zip
drive (/dev/hdd), and sound (/dev/dsp) to the person logged in at the
console (x or tty).   If this was my personal machine, I would just
put the users in the group console.  Unforfunately, this cannot be the
case.  I have around 6500 users, and they are all able to login to
these machines remotely.   While I agree it would be a good practical
joke to start playing loud music in another room, it wouldn't be
prudent in a lab setting.   I have similiar problems with the floppy
and the zip (ide floppy version).. these devices would be even worse
because another user could steal code from another (NOT GOOD!).   

I was wondering if anyone had any solutions for me.  I have thought of
two different solutions: 

1) Use pam_console, compiled separately.   I don't really want to do
this, because debian doesn't include the file for a reason: it's got a
gaping security hole, users can hold open file descriptors on devices
after they're not using a console (through screen, perhaps) and that
basically makes the changing users a moot point. 

2) Use pam_group, and add them to a group when they're logged in on
the console.  This works on ttys, I've read, but not on xdm sessions.
It's important that it works in X because this is what most of our lab
users (and newbies to linux sometimes, yay!) use most of the time.
Forcing them to login to a tty isn't really desireable. 

My question is:  Does anyone have any other solutions?  Or can one of
my solutions be modified to negate my problems with the solution? 

Mike Janssen 
College of Natural Sciences
Lab Administrator

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