Geordie Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> one of the little things that i like 'bout this list is the non-english
> posts and responses.
> gives it a real global feel.

Yeah, plus it's funny  on occasion e.g. watching Americans(TM) testing
their high  school Spanish. But yeah  I like it. For  people who don't
maybe we should have a language prefix in the Subject: line, like :

[ES] ?Porque no functione nada?
[DE] Alles ist kaputt

and so on, then people could either

-- use their filtering software to check for [*] and accept only if
it's the language they like (default English), or

-- subscribe with a "languages" option, e.g. 

subscribe debian-user languages="english, french", or

-- if it's too hard to thus enhance the subscription mechanism, hack it:

subscribe debian-user-english-french


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