I heard that Jonathan Markevich wrote this on 29/10/00: > Only 3 minutes of fun? Disappointing. You've gone and blown the rest of > the afternoon. Read through it, make it funnier. Imagine it in Perl. Or > Befunge. Or my favorite, Rube. (extra points if you use the "weasel" -- I > believe it's all on www.catseye.mb.ca...) Actually, this may be more of an > appropriate job for the language FALSE. Should we set up a sourceforge > project for this? > Python, Scheme, Pascal, BASIC (ugh..), whatever.. Why not make a kind of "hello world" repository with the equivalent of /bin/false in several languages. Of course, it would have to include the history of the false command, etc.
> > Potato's /bin/false has "a378dbf982c7694b173cd87ecc8463f1" md5sum. > > 32 bytes, huh? 24 for your source above (with spaces). Might as well > compile it yourself. > Or, as in C the return type of a function defaults to int, we could write: main(){return 1;} even if the compiler whines about it, the source is only 17 bytes long. How many (kilo)bytes would be necessary to write that in BASIC? :) Now remembering your shell script approach, lets include in the false-tribute web page a section for shells (bash, ash, zsh, csh, etc.). > Oh well, I'll let you think of it. I've got a bash script that's a barrel > of laughs right now, gotta go. > Well, have fun... :) Regards, sena.. -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://decoy.ath.cx/~sena/