I read somewhere about somebody's problems with xcdroast. My problem is even
simpler (stupider?) I can't get cdrecord to work under debian.

Here is some of the info I have been able to gather about my current setup.

debian:/dev# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
serial                 19564   0  (autoclean)
es1371                 25344   0 
sound                  57592   0  (unused)
soundlow                 416   0  [sound]
soundcore               2628   7  [es1371 sound]
parport_pc              7236   0  (autoclean)
parport_probe           3332   0 
parport                 7280   0  [parport_pc parport_probe]
sg                     15320   0  (unused)
ide-scsi                7080   0 
vfat                    9008   0  (unused)
unix                   10212  85  (autoclean)

debian:/dev# cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open SCSI driver.
cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'. Make sure you are root.

debian:/dev# ls /dev/sg*
/dev/sg0   /dev/sg11  /dev/sg14  /dev/sg2  /dev/sg5  /dev/sg8
/dev/sg1   /dev/sg12  /dev/sg15  /dev/sg3  /dev/sg6  /dev/sg9
/dev/sg10  /dev/sg13  /dev/sg16  /dev/sg4  /dev/sg7

My kernel version is the potato default kernel 2.2.17. My CD-RW is an
ironicially named Best CD Writer. It works under Linux-Mandrake.

I believe I have loaded all the necessary modules (sg + ide-scsi) and have the
proper devices in /dev. Just to be sure I did a MAKEDEV (something the
installation of cdrecord is supposed to do anyways), deleting /dev/sg* and
recreating them. So why the message "cdrecord: No such file or directory.
Cannot open SCSI driver"?

What have I forgotten/failed to do? This is the final piece of the puzzle in my
making my Debian installation as usable as my Linux-Mandrake (I now have sound
and ppp under Debian. Wow!)


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