You want to use installwatch. Great program that logs all the files

The better way to run things if you only want to test programs, is
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/test_program

This puts ALL the files installed under /usr/local/test_program, which you
can delete later.

I to this with everything I install in fact.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

On Thu, Oct 26, 2000 at 09:43:00AM -0400, Jason Hammerschmidt wrote:
> So let's say you did a make install, you testing the program, you
> thought that's great, now I want to remove it...
> I have the original configured Makefiles n all, is there an automated
> command that goes through and does the opposite of make install, kinda
> like a make uninstall (I wish).
> any thoughts?
> --
> Jason Hammerschmidt, Sapere Aude
> "freedom & personal responsibility good, serfdom & tyrannical control bad"
> MacLaren McCann Interactive - direct 416.643.8560
> -- 
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