I use mutt to read my mail and I have a folder with debian-user in it. When I come to messages of interest to me, I want to be able to easily save them to another folder. I've got it set up so it saves to the right place, but currently in order to save I need to press "s" and then hit return to accept the save location. It would be nice to have a key which saves straight to the default location without prompting. This would make saving easier. Alternatively, it would be nice to select a whole group of messages and then save them all at once.
Any ideas? Thanks, Mark. -- _/~~~~~~~~\___/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ ____/~~\_____/~~\__/~~\__________________________Mark_Phillips____________ ____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ____/~~\HE___/~~\__/~~\APTAIN_____________________________________________ ____/~~\______/~~~~~~\____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!"