On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 11:42:05AM -0700, Stephen nyc wrote: > I'm actually looking for the installation and > configuration documentation in the package ipmasq.deb. > I want to have it read and noted before I even try to > install debian and set it up.
i've had occasion to wish i could've read the package documents BEFORE downloading and installing, as well. afaict, debian.org doesn't accomodate that. to see the package documents, check out http://www.they.com/doc/ipmasq/ where you'll find the stuff that goes into /usr/share/doc/ipmasq/*. to scratch the surface, try http://www.linuxhelp.org/perl/faqs.pl?query=ipmasq using man2html anyone can provide a browseable version of their manpage library, and some have already done so -- including http://www.linuxcentral.com/ -> click 'linux man pages' near the bottom on the left. or check out http://ipmasq.cjb.net/ for more on the concept and its implementation. -- self-reference, n: see self-reference. [EMAIL PROTECTED] *** http://www.dontUthink.com/