At 10:27 PM 10/20/2000 -0700, wrote:

begin Gregory Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) quotation (Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 08:46:23PM -0500):
> I am running kernelversion 2.2, from CDrom install. I did the simple
> configuration, and even then it had a list of about 16-18 install problems,
> unresolved dependencies. I ran install again, more resolved.
> I wanted to get tomcat, so grabbed it from:
>, but:
> So it required some unstable packages, so I added an unstable ftp source to
> my apt/source.list, and it did indeed find the two required packages, but
> also about 189 (90MB) of other stuff.
>   -- (Any way to have just gotten the one desired thing from unstable?)

The simplest solution is just copy down the desired .deb and install it
via dpkg:

    dpkg -i somefile.deb'll get some funkyness in your package lists (basically, you've
installed a package for which there isn't sufficient metadata), but
generally there's no permanent harm done.

-- I find that these complications and hack's w.r.t. packages take up about 90% of my time in using Debian.

What you've done instead is to step onto the Woody distribution wagon.
You're going to be upgrading on unstable from here on out.  You may not
have wanted to do that.

-- Hmm, any way to get off the treadmill?

Would it make sense to have a series of named levels, v.s. just a generic "unstable" that is always unstable? What IF one just wants to go one level ahead, say to Woody, but not always be on the bleeding edge? Is there a named link to the *current* unstable, v.s. the generic always next-thing name?


Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         (641)472-1125    Fax: -1103

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