* Willem-Jan Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030207 11:42]:
> Allright, I can mount /dev/hda1 now, but if I want to browse the /hda1 as a
> normal user i can't, but when I'm root this isn't a problem. What to set to
> get acces as normal user?

/dev/hda1       /windows        ntfs    ro,uid=1000,gid=1000    0 0

adjust the 1000's to taste.  Alternatively, you can use the umask option
to allow everyone access (or in combination with the gid option to allow
only a certain group).

good times,
int main() {
    puts("Reader! Think not that \n"
         "technical information \n"
         "ought not be called speech;");
    return 0;

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