I use a combination of mutt, fetchmail and procmail.  Mutt for reading
and composing, fetchmail for pop retrieval and procmail for filtering.

When you compose and send mail in mutt while offline it still goes
into your smtp send queue.  Just issue the command to send queued mail
when you re-connect.  That command depends on what you are using for

* Jonathan Gift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [15Oct00 18:18 +0200]:
> I have a 56k dial up using pon and poff and was wondering which of the
> console choices would allow me to fetch and dl mail? Also write off-line,
> then log on and send. Mutt and Pine I have heard about. The ability to
> filter into assorted folders (like for mailing lists) would be a necessity.

 -=[Ty]=-   =o&>o

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