Not sure you need to make a kernel change, unless I have done so
"accidentally" (ie used one where the change has been made for other
reasons) what you do need to do is either update the mobo bios or use
the c h s commands in fdisk to tell it how big the disk is.
The 8Gig restriction was afaik a BIOS one.

> You need to have ATA-2 IDE support compiled in your kernel. It supports IDE
> HD's larger than 8 Gb. I don't know if you can have such thing in slink.
>                     Peter
>                     Hugosson-Mill        Para:
>                     er                   cc:
>                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Assunto:     How to partition 
> a 10GB disk
>                     09/10/00
>                     11:24
>                     Responder a
>                     pehu
> Hi
> I am trying to partition a 10 GB IDE hard disk using the cfdisk that
> starts up during the debian 2.1 (slink) install.
> The problem is, cfdisk thinks the drive is only 8 GB. I've tried
> <Alt><F2> into another console and then fdisk's "o" command to reset the
> MBR, followed by "w". When I reboot and restart cfdisk, it still says
> there are only 8 GB available.
> If I use partition magic, I can create the partitions as I want them,
> but then, when I reboot and start the install, cfdisk says the MBR is
> corrupted "FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition."
> Any suggestions? I tried using just fdisk, BTW, but it also thinks there
> are only 8 GB on the disk.
> --
> Best regards,
> Peter Hugosson-Miller
> "<TAG name="windoze" action="bash"></tag>"
> (See attached file: pehu.vcf)

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