On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 03:25:47PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

> However, I solved gvim's problem by putting 
> Vim*scrollBackground:         Black
> Vim*scrollForeground:         Blue
> in ~/.vimrc
> The same 
> GV*scrollBackground:          Black
> GV*scrollForeground:          Blue
> did not work for GV.

    You can set resources mentioned in the gv manpage in your $HOME/.Xdefaults
    Remember to merge it into your current session when you modify it. 
    ie. xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

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