On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 02:23:58PM +0200, Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:

> Yes, unless you (or some daemon) uses the corresponding interrupt, you
> won't see the counts here. Nut you can see the memory regions
> allocated in the ioports file.

    Yup, just tested that by dialing somewhere. Setserial reports fine in any

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /proc]$ cat ioports
02f8-02ff : serial(set)

    And yes, there it is. Thanks for the pointers. 

    I guess setserial is used to set all these values for serial ports. Kind
of annoying that there isn't one program where you can handle your resources,
but I guess that's what distros like Mandrake are about with DrakConf and
such. Trying to give you a winblows-like control-panel. 
    As long as I know where to get the information, and set it, I'm good. The
proc filesystem is such a cool idea...


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

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