> Mind you, I don't understand how come the debs don't compile "out of
> the box", but that's another matter.

if the binaries don't run it's a pretty sure guess that something weird is
going on.  i would solve that first.  you can grab a debian package of
pine from:


but until you solve that i wouldn't bother with trying to compile it.

as far as compiling it if you have the deb-src line in your
/etc/apt/sources.list file (sorry can't remember exact syntax off the top
of my head) you should be able to do so with a line like:

# apt-get --compile source pine

finally, i would guess that the reson you can't compile pine is because
you are missing a library package which is required.  one of the tricky
things about debian source packages is that dependancies are
supported.  you are responsible to make sure your system has all the
needed libraries.  a good rough guide to figure out which libraries are
required is to look at the depends line for the binary version an dmake
sure you have all the libraries and libraries-dev packages
installed.  sometimes it can be extra tricky because the -dev packages
aren't obviously named, but it's a good place to start.

if you then try and compile and you get an error with a missing .h file go
to the debian search page and search for which package contains that
file.  you can find the package search page at:


good luck, hope that helps.


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