Yes, this is the second comment I've heard to the effect of "the FA310TX is not
worth the circuit board it's printed on." I've always had nothing but luck with
them, and I don't particularly feel like purchasing a 3Com NIC and getting it
shipped overnight, but that looks like it may be the only option.

Sadly, I've tried the latest drivers and encounter the same problems. ::sigh::
Looks like is going to get some more of my business tonight, unless
I can get this thing to work...

Thanks for your advice, though, this isn't to say that I don't appreciate it :)
I'd just rather not buy anything more right now :\


On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Parrish M Myers wrote:

> I had the very same problem.  I eventually gave up and bought a 3c905C
> which works beautifully.  I don't know why but I could not get the
> netgear to work correctly at all.  I always had to do an 
> $ ifdown -a; ifup -a
> to get the &[EMAIL PROTECTED] thing to work.  IMHO, that card is worth 
> nothing more
> than an expensive dog chew toy.
> If you would like some constructive help... the only thing I can say is
> try the latest driver from 
> I believe they are your best resource.
> :(
> --- Evan DiBiase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> >     I have been trying (over the course of the last few days) to perform
> > a
> > network install of Debian "potato" release on my system which
> > contains a Netgear
> > FA310TX network card which uses the tulip driver. I have encountered
> > some
> > serious problems, and am hoping that someone out there can help me.
> > 
> >     Essentially, the tulip module in the drivers set loads fine (as does
> > every other tulip module I've tried). However, the network card just
> > can't seem
> > to get a response from any computer inside the local network or
> > outside! The
> > lights on the hub flash, but there is no response from any of the
> > local
> > computers during a ping request nor from the DNS server when the
> > install program
> > attempts to download the base install set.
> > 
> >     I have submitted bug #71986 on this, and also see that what appears
> > to
> > be the same bug (#66193) is also in the database. I have tried using
> > the tulip
> > module provided by Netgear as suggested in bug #66193 but this also
> > does not
> > seem to work.
> > 
> >     So, this is a rather confusing situation and has pushed me to the
> > limits
> > of my Linux knowledge. Anything anyone knows or would like me to try
> > would be
> > greatly appreciated, because I want to install Debian more than any
> > other OS
> > right now, and I would be upset if I had to go to FreeBSD or RedHat,
> > my other,
> > less favorable choices.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Evan
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
> rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
> immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> marks  -- (unknown source)        |
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