On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 09:39:42PM +0000, Pollywog wrote:
> I followed the instructions for installing Helix-Gnome via apt-get and I
> installed all sorts of things I did not want or need, like games and gdm.
> gdm is bad.  I saw it and disabled the startup script for it.  I believe that
> if I uninstall task-helix-gnome, that will render my system useless, so I
> think I am stuck with this mess.  I don't want games because they just take up
> space and I only have a 4.3 GB drive.

    I decided to not follow the official install instructions, and I just
installed the packages that I want. I'm still using xdm. 


Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

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