I tried what you suggested.  It seemed to be a step in the right direction. 
After I issued lpc start all, and then checked lpc status all, I got reasonable
results.  Moreover, I didn't get the "connection refused" messages from my print
jobs that I had before.  However, having said all that, nothing printed.

Here is the result of lpc status all

        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        no entries
        no daemon present
        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        5 entries in spool area
        lp35A is ready and printing
        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        7 entries in spool area
        waiting for lp35 to become ready (offline ?)

Incidentally, nothing printed from either lp35 and lp35A (p35_05 isn't yet set
up so I'm not worried about that one yet).

Thanks for your help.  But I'm still a little snowed by the problem.


> I recently had a sudden "ain't going to print" problem (although not on a
> network), and I got around it by dropping into root and going to "lpc".
> Then I issued the "abort" command, followed by "start all". When I exited
> lpc, everything was back to normal.
> YMMV, though. I don't know why it happend (and yes, it "fixed itself" as
> mysteriously as it began...)
> - Nick
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