On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 02:18:47PM +0200,  wrote:
> Does anyone know of a Debian package with which I could make Taylor
> series expansion of simple functions?

I don't know of a free package which works as well as comercial Computer
Algebra packages, namely Maple or Mathematica.  Both are available for
reasonable prices to students.

> I've tested Derive 3.0 (february 1995) for MSDOS, but it finishes the
> whole memory when trying to obtain the first four terms about x=0 of
> sqrt(x^6/36+(1+x/2-x/(1-exp(-x)))^2)*(12/x^2)
> I have obtained manually that it should be 1+119*x^2/60-991*x^4/504, but
> I would like it to be confirmed by a computer program.
> Thanks!

Throwing your example into Maple on my workstation gives the following

> taylor(sqrt(x^6/36+(1+x/2-x/(1-exp(-x)))^2)*(12/x^2),x=0,20);

      119  2   991  4   78619  6   964750751  8   14625286254829  10
  1 + --- x  - --- x  + ----- x  - --------- x  + -------------- x
      60       504      20160      99792000        544864320000

      435073871533201  12   12908073421532788523  14      16
    - --------------- x   + -------------------- x   + O(x  )
       5448643200000         51871083264000000



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