On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 06:02:21PM +1100, Joyce, Matthew wrote:
> > 
> >  Guys...it's a bit sad when some very brave people died in 
> > Columbia to be talking stuff like this...i agree with Vincent 
> > that comments like this are not necessary.  Spare a moments 
> > thought (or longer if possible) for those brave Astronauts 
> > and their families who will no doubt endure a lot of pain for 
> > a long time at their loss.  
> > 
> I feel sorry for their families, kinda hard to feel sorry for astronauts.  
> As for bravery, no I don't think they are brave either.

Why not?  There's always a chance that the shuttle will blow up at
some point (Challenger and Columbia), start leaking somewhere, get
hit by something, etc.-- they knew the risks and took them anyway.
Unless you're implying that they *didn't* know the risks?

> How the US can justify spending so much money on Space while 33 million US
> citizens live below the poverty line amazes me.

What does one have to do with the other?  There will always be poor
people-- maybe not the same people all the time, but a certain
percentage will always be poor.  There always have been-- some people
are either lazy or just unlucky.  I'm not happy about that fact, but
that's life, you know?  BTW, where did you pull that number from?

OTOH, space exploration and research improves everyone's lives-- new
medicines and medical techniques, etc.  So how is it a waste?  How is
it anymore of a waste than welfare and socialized medicine?  Not
trying to start a flame war, just asking a serious question here--
welfare just rewards people for being lazy and not working, in my
experience.  Believe me, I knew a lot of kids in school who *aspired*
to 'being like my parents' or 'being like [best friend's] parents' and
being paid to sit around at home all day and have fun, collecting
welfare. *sigh*

Personally, I feel sorry for the families and friends of the
astronauts, and I feel sorry for the astronauts.  BUT, I hope that
NASA doesn't do what they did after the Challenger and just sit around
for years out of (unnecessary) fear. *sigh*  Anyway, that's my
opinion, FWIW. *shrug*

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://www.2khiway.net/users/vroemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Just because you're not paranoid, that doesn't mean they're not out
to get you." (ripped from someone's slashdot .sig)
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