On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 12:39:20AM +0200, I. Tura wrote:
:       Actually I don't know your position in your work (I missed the full
:       thread)

the reasons I use Debian:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade = bye bye to many common security
worries (many Debian folks get hit with the statd exploit?)

Debian upgrades much better in complex network environments (ie it
will upgrade) where things like /usr/local and /var/spool/mail are
links to weird automount point and thus dangling symlinks at boot

Debian has many more "official" packages and can integrate rpm's and
.tgz distributed applications into the package management system via

Debian will not automagically clobber your confiles when you upgrade a
package (rpms shouldn't but do with disturbing regularity in my

Debian allows for configuration during package installation, so you
don't have to poke around so much to figure outwhat needs tweeking to
make your nifty ne app working.

Debian has excelent documentation included with virtually all packages
(RH is poor, many common utilities with man pages in debian don't
under RH) 

This list is perhaps the best reason, virtually everything I know
about GNU/Linux came from this list (with reading HOWTOs, man pages,
and hacking), and less than two years later I'm a Linux/Un*x admin
(and a damned good one IMNTBHO) at a prominent research lab...

Nmap doesn't identify Debian2.2 (yet) :)


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