Here's a csh hack for doing this. I didn't write it (csh? ugh) 
it but I do use it from time to time. 
<disclaimer>Maybe test it first to make sure it does 
what you want</disclaimer>. -chris
#!/bin/csh -f
# Performs search & replace on the given files

if ( $#argv < 3 ) then
        echo "Usage: replace <string> <with> <file-list>"
        exit 0

if ( $#argv == 2 ) then
        sed "s/$1/$2/g"
        exit 0


set list=($argv[3-])
set list=`grep -l $1 $list`

mkdir replace.back

foreach file ( $list )
        echo "Replacing in: $file"
        cp -f $file $file.back
        cat $file.back | sed "s/$1/$2/g" >! $file
        mv -f $file.back replace.back   
        rm -f $file.back

echo "DONE."

On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Lars Grobe wrote:

> Hi!
> As I have had trouble with netatalk's character set, I have many
> filenames containing nonsense-chars (resulting from non-translated
> German Umlaute). So I have to find strings as :8a and replace them
> with a char (รค). Is it possible to do this with "find" ?
> Thank You, CU, Lars.
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