On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 08:53:47PM -0700, Dale Morris wrote:

> After upgrading all my packages to woody I no longer have afterstep
> window manager available to me. When I select the window managers
> button, I only have fvvm, gnome-icewm, wmaker, fvvm2. Somehow one of
> the scripts changed things around. What do I do to get it back?
> thanks
> -- dale

I've noticed that when I tried AfterStep last week (I prefer
WindowMaker, though). I think that should be a bug, report it.

You can edit your .xinitrc or .xsession (depending on how you start X)
and add:
    exec afterstep
at the end of it.

That's all

> -- 
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Juli-Manel Merino Vidal

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