At 10:52 AM 9/7/2000 +0100, Glyn Millington wrote:
>Greetings!   I'm running Debian 2.2, kernel 2.2.17.  And I can't
>start Gnome!  I'm starting X from the command line (startx) and
>have tried 
>exec gnome-session 
>in my .xinitrc and even in an .Xsession file, but all I get in
>reposne is an X stuck at the corss-hatched screen and when I
>Ctrl-Alt-BckSpc a little message saying
>/dev/dsp  no such device
>Well there is SOMETHING in /dev/called dsp.......
>Can anyone shed some light on this?

i believe the dsp is the digital sound processor
can you log an as root?

have you added your user to the "audio" group?

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