On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 09:56:02PM +0200, Juli-Manel Merino Vidal wrote:

:Well, I have think the following organization:
:/ of 100 mb in a primary partition at the beginning of the disk, so
:  lilo or grub can boot it.
:/usr of 3 gb (no comments... but should it be bigger?)
:/usr/local of 1,5 gb (to install quake data, staroffice, etc)
:/tmp of 150 mb
:/var 250 mb (/var/cache/apt/archives will go in another place, as
:             explained below)
:/home of 1 gb (I'm the only user in the system)
:/misc in the rest of the disk. I pretent to put here several
:      subdirectories, as music (my mp3 collection), photos (some
:      photos I have), and a link to /var/cache/apt/archives. I also
:      would like to store here several other files, like tar ones.
:And at last, I forgot it, a swap partition of 128 mb (I have 128 mb of
:ram currently). But where I should place it phisically on the disk ?

The partitions seem fairly anorexic to me.  Consider that you'll be
keeping this disk for a while and software keeps getting bigger. My

/               500M
/usr            5G
/usr/local      3G
/var            1.5G (keep cahe/apt/archives there too)
/tmp            500M
/home           7G (why mess with /misc too if you're the only user)
swap            256M - 500M (why skimp, you can always pull back this
                space if you need it)

Leave the rest for when you run out of space in one of the other
partitions and need to split off a subdirectory :)

my $0.02

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