Hey guys...

While I'm at work I connect home two ways...VAX terminal and NT terminal.  Every
once in a while it just completely drops my connection.  I immediately try to
re-login and sometimes it immediately reconnects, though sometimes I see the

Under Windows it just reports: Failed to connect to <my ip>.

Under VAX it reports:

%TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ... <my ip>
%TELNET-E-CONNFAIL, Failed to connect to remote host
-SYSTEM-F-REJECT, Connect to network object rejected

Now then I've got a couple of suspects in mind to blame but I am not sure
how to prove any one of them is the problem let alone fix this.  The culprits
I see could be:

1) flaky ethernet card
2) iptables is setup wrong or my rules are bugged somehow
3) works firewall is setup buggy and randomly kills all connections
4) my cable modem provider is dropping service randomly

I personally like #4 best because I've also been seeing fetchmail fail
randomly.  When I immediately rerun fetchmail it sometimes failes and
more often that not goes thru without a hitch.

I'm running Woody.  What other information can I provide to shed light
on what could be wrong?


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