Just graduated to Debian Potato from Mandrake - it's a challenge! Now I'm having fun with X....... It works but the resolution is dire.
I want to run XF86Setup to sort it out. So as root I type in the command and I get a vertically striped box on the screen, then a blank box, then..... it just stops at that point. When I get rid of the eyesore with Ctrl Alt Backspace I get a nice blue bar telling me that the application is running in another console - but I can't find it! Can anyone shed light on this or point me to the right docs? If it helps I have a SiS 6306 video card "on-board" (yes, I know...) Thanks in anticipation Glyn M -- ****************************************************** * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. " * * Douglas Hoftstatder * ******************************************************