
Both ReadmeName and HeaderName somehow don't work in my Apache. Nothing
is appended to any directory listing while README and HEADER exist in the 
relevant directory and are readable to all users. I have Apache 1.3.9,
Apache-SSL 1.3.9 (both Debian packages) and Apache 1.3.12 (compiled
myself). My Debian version is 2.2 and my kernel is 2.2.16. It's not really
important, but it sure is irritating. As far as I'm concerned my Apache
configuration is okay: it says

ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER

in srm.conf (in 1.3.9), and
in httpd.conf (in 1.3.12)

Both directives are used only once in my (general) server config, not in
any virtual host, directory or .htaccess context. The files README and
HEADER have the right permissions and UID/GID, since I can view the
content via the browser when I enter the URI (e.g.
http://www.mysite/somedir/README) manually. The required module for these
directives (autoindex_module) is loaded -- of course, otherwise the
apachectl wouldn't start apache in the first place, due to a broken

I do know Apache has changed somewhat regarding the handling of the
ReadmeName and HeaderName directives after version 1.3.6, but I don't
want to downgrade to 1.3.6 to try it out... although I could try it on my
old 486 box, which I have to seek somewhere in the "well-organized"
storage room, though :)

Anyways, it really puzzles me.


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