Hello,, I myself use the xfstt font server from the Debian package. Works great. There is also a package for xfs-tt in Debian. I don't know which is better because I've only tried the one, but I did have a look at xfs-tt in another machine and it looked more difficult to setup. Setting up xfstt was rather easy. Put you fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype run xfstt --sync add unix/:7101 to your fontpath.
Tal On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 16:58:13 +0200, Rainer Haape said: > Hi, > I am new to this list, but not to debian. My question: > Is ther a (simple, documented) "debian way" to enable X11 / xfs-xtt > to use true-type fonts? I cannot find any documentation that seems > to usable within debian. > > Thank you > Rainer Haape > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Tal Danzig | Join #libranet on the | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | openprojects IRC network | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | http://www.libranet.com | Tal Danzig | | The TOP Desktop! | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ----------------------------------------------------------------