On 30, aug, 2000 at 10:13:43 +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Morten Liebach wrote:
> >Looks like a bad floppy. You should try checking a floppy again, write
> >the image to it, and then check it again with `cmp image_file /dev/fd0'
> >(which will only work in Linux of course, don't know what to do down in
> >Windows).
> cmp thingy didn't produce any output. I tried the -l --verbose option
> and nothing? I think the root.bin file isn't getting written to /dev/fd0?

`cmp' shouldn't produce any output, if it did it would be the first
difference between the two files.

You should do a `cmp' for each floppy image you write to floppies.

Try to start over with freshformatted floppies, check that they have no
bad blocks (all of them), dd the images onto them, then `cmp' them with
the original file.

There's some very good docs in the doc dir with the images-1.44 etc. dirs
on the ftp where you got the images. Read the section on how to do it,
it has the exact syntax to use with `dd' and `cmp', and read the
manpages on those programs too.

It is quite easy to do, and if it doesn't work you might have some bad
images, try and do a fresh download off another ftp.

If none of the above doesn't work I'm fresh out of ideas.


UNIX, reach out and grep someone!

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