So I'm now on the point of downloading my potato.

What's the Debian equivalent of a Redhat <rpm --checksig *.rpm>? This command
is supposed to verify the package signatures (md5, pgp, gpg -- but I've gone
only as far as the md5).

How do I know if my download is all right? I have a more or less working Storm
Linux installation, so I guess I can dpkg it.

BTW: I downloaded my Storm thru Linuxberg. The iso image came in 45 mb
chunks, with an MD5 sum check list for all. A cool idea. Why hasn't anybody
else thought of this (or have I been looking in the wrong places)? A simple
"split" command can break up that 650 ton blue whale into more manageable
kittens. For the clueless downloader, we can provide a simple "cat" script
to piece together the bits (as Linuxberg and/or Storm Linux has done.).

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