
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 08:37:00 -0700 (PDT), Greg Strockbine. said:

> I moved to Linux to get away from the
>  unstability of windoze, but I get an
>  awful lot of apps crashing with Linux.
>  The operating system itself seems stable,
>  but not the apps.
>  I'm running stormix hail, based on the latest
>  Debian potato release.
>  the crashes:
>  - gnome desktop totally locked up on me once.
>    No idea how to get out of it except to reboot machine.
>    ouch!  Too much like win98.
>  - gnome control center crashes a lot.
>  - netscape crashes, but I guess that's well known
>  - xmms just disappears occasionally or locks up.
>  - xcdroast closed each time I tried to burn a CD.
>    Had to resort to windoze - god did I hate that.

I've had Linux programs crash because they are buggy programs (you will find
that in any OS), but I've found Linux itself to be very stable.  (My last
reboot on this machine was 56 days ago)
Xcdroast is probably crashing because you don't have you CD writer set up
properly.  You need scsi-emulation in the kernel if you have an IDE drive.

>  Updating via apt-get scares me because some packages
>  update a common library (too much like over writing
>  common dll's in windoze).
>  so after updating a few packages, how do I know other
>  apps are still stable if they were depending on another
>  library.

apt-get will handle dependancies
if a program neads a lower version of a lib that is about to be upgraded apt
will either not upgrade the lib, or ask you to remove the program on which it


>  - greg strockbine
>  -- 
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