After much experimentation with xdm config files I was able to have it come up 
in -32 bit mode which I guess also told it to hit 1600x1200 since that's the 
only mode I allowed. :)  That was good, but frankly the moires that show up 
with that nasty grey background are more than can be bared!  I found where they 
are calling the colors (I think) in /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources:

#ifdef COLOR
xlogin*greetColor: CadetBlue
xlogin*failColor: red
*Foreground: black
*Background: #fffff0
xlogin*Foreground: black
xlogin*Background: white <--- bingo!

Is there a way I can tell xdm to use a nicely rendered .jpg, .png, etc?


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